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SAP Commerce Cloud

Delight Your Customers With Every Interaction 

With SAP Commerce Cloud, you can deliver exceptional customer experiences across channels, increasing satisfaction, retention, and revenue.

SAP Commerce Cloud is a trusted digital commerce solution that empowers you to optimize and boost your e-commerce business, improve customer experiences, and increase revenue. 

Formerly known as SAP Hybris or SAP Hybris Commerce, the solution has helped many renowned brands to navigate the changing market needs over the years. A stable architecture with a headless front end ensures flexibility, innovation, and customization on every channel, without the need for major updates. 

Combined with other solutions from the SAP Customer Experience suite, SAP Commerce Cloud enables businesses to manage customer relationships end-to-end, build trust and loyalty, and grow revenue.

SAP Commerce Cloud benefits

Everything You Need to Deliver Seamless Omnichannel Experiences

Quickly react to market shifts and new opportunities

Be the first to take advantage of new business models and customer touch points

Boost conversions with machine learning - powered features

Minimize your costs by optimizing operations and maintenance efforts

Set a robust foundation for your future agile innovation projects

Headless Architecture for Composable Commerce

  • API-enabled platform ensures expansion beyond traditional channels into an omnichannel environment.
  • Integrated payment services and tax management help deliver a scalable shopping cart and checkout experience.
  • Decoupled JavaScript storefront empowers you to build engaging progressive web app (PWA) storefronts and customize experiences according to device or location.

Powerful Insights for Optimized Processes

  • Real-time connection of demand and supply thanks to built-in integrations with SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, and third-party systems.
  • A single view of availability, intelligent sourcing strategies, and an optimized return process improve the overall customer experience.
  • Omnichannel capabilities support the most complex customer relationship management scenarios.

Feature-rich Support of Various B2B Scenarios

  • Support services help you simplify the process for the most complex scenarios without customization.
  • Empower your sales team with assisted services and support, from purchase history view to realtime engagement with customers during quoting and negotiation.
  • Provide self-service tools and enable buyers to have control over their processes – ultimately cutting the cost.
netconomy b2b commerce

Agile Innovation and New Business Models

  • Microservices-based platform enables fast innovation, accelerated time to market, and improved competitiveness.
  • A flexible modular system offers out-of-the-box functionalities that can be customized and extended. 


NETCONOMY is an SAP Customer Experience Partner

Proven Expertise

We've been helping organizations benefit from SAP Commerce for more than 20 years.

SAP Commerce Cloud customer references

Douglas Success Story

We've helped many renowned brands realize their digital commerce goals with SAP Commerce Cloud - including Douglas, the number one European beauty retailer.

Douglas success story
Douglas commerce platform

Maximize your SAP Commerce Cloud investment

How can we help?

From large scale implementation to cloud migration, across different countries and dealing with multiple languages and currencies – our team offers an extensive experience in helping customers make the best out of SAP Commerce Cloud. No matter the challenge, we’ll be here to support.

Learn more about features and product roadmap
Discuss implementation challenges
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Discuss migration to the cloud version

Get in touch with our team today.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about SAP Commerce Cloud

1. What are the capabilities of SAP Commerce Cloud in handling multi-language and multi-currency setups?

SAP Commerce Cloud is developed to support businesses operating in multiple countries by efficiently handling multi-language and multi-currency setups. This means you can manage your online stores in different languages, ensuring everyone has a smooth and personalized shopping experience.

Additionally, it allows customers to view prices and make purchases in their local currency, significantly improving their comfort and trust in your brand.

You can see the real-life benefits of these functionalities in our Virgin Megastore customer success story.

2. Can we integrate our existing marketing tools – from SAP and other vendors – with SAP Commerce Cloud?

SAP Commerce Cloud is designed with flexibility in mind. It supports easy integration with both SAP and third-party tools, so you can continue using your existing marketing platforms.

This integration helps you unify customer data, automate marketing campaigns, or gain deeper insights into customer behavior. This capability streamlines your operations and allows you to deliver personalized and effective marketing campaigns.

However, there are advantages to using SAP tools such as SAP Emarsys or SAP CDP with Commerce Cloud. By staying within the SAP landscape, you can ensure a more unified and efficient data flow between your commerce and marketing platforms. Additionally, your company can streamline your IT infrastructure, reduce complexity, and lower costs associated with managing multiple vendor systems.

3. What best practices can we adopt to optimize our product catalog and content management processes in SAP Commerce Cloud?

We advise our customers to always take advantage of built-in tools like SmartEdit and Product Cockpit to optimize their product catalog and content management in SAP Commerce Cloud.

SmartEdit allows you to create, edit, and preview content changes in real-time, making the process more efficient and user-friendly. The Product Cockpit provides a single place to manage product information, prices, and inventory across multiple channels, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

Additionally, we recommend implementing automated workflows for content approvals and using the integrated Solr search engine to optimize product search and navigation, ensuring a seamless and engaging customer experience.

4. What are the typical challenges faced when integrating SAP Commerce Cloud with existing systems, and how can we prepare for them?

In our experience, several challenges can appear when integrating SAP Commerce Cloud with existing systems. One common issue is data synchronization, where ensuring consistent and accurate data flow between systems can be complex. Another challenge is the compatibility of different systems and software, which might require custom development or middleware solutions to facilitate a smooth integration.

To prepare for these challenges, we at NETCONOMY conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current IT landscape and identify potential integration challenges before starting the project. We also work with customers to establish clear data governance policies to help maintain data integrity. Additionally, involving key stakeholders early in the planning process and opting for phased implementation minimizes disruptions to your operations.

5. What scalability options does SAP Commerce Cloud offer to accommodate growth?

SAP Commerce Cloud offers several scalability options to accommodate your business growth effectively. First, it is built on a highly scalable cloud infrastructure that allows you to quickly adjust resources based on demand. This means you can handle increased traffic and transaction volumes without compromising performance.

Additionally, SAP Commerce Cloud supports:

  • Horizontal scaling: adding more server instances to distribute the load evenly.
  • Vertical scaling: upgrading the existing infrastructure to more powerful instances.

Finally, the platform’s modular architecture enables seamless integration of new functionalities and services, ensuring that your e-commerce solution grows alongside your business needs.

6. How do we manage ongoing maintenance and updates within SAP Commerce Cloud without disrupting daily operations?

Managing ongoing maintenance and updates in SAP Commerce Cloud is designed to be seamless and non-disruptive. The platform provides several features and best practices to ensure minimal impact on daily operations.

First, SAP Commerce Cloud operates in a cloud environment so that you can handle updates and maintenance with zero downtime. SAP also releases regular updates and patches, ensuring your system remains secure and up-to-date.

Additionally, the platform supports a staged approach to updates. You can use sandbox and staging environments to test new features and updates before deploying them to your live site. By allowing your team to identify and resolve potential issues in a controlled setting, you ensure smooth transitions and continued operation of your e-commerce site.

7. How can SAP Commerce Cloud help us respond to changing market trends and consumer behaviors more effectively?

SAP Commerce Cloud helps you respond more effectively to changing market trends and consumer behaviors through its advanced analytics, personalization, and flexibility. The platform’s built-in analytics tools provide real-time insights into market trends and customer behavior, enabling you to make data-driven decisions quickly.

The Commerce Cloud’s personalization capabilities also allow you to personalize content, promotions, and product recommendations based on individual customer preferences and behaviors. This way, you can consistently deliver relevant and engaging customer experiences.

Moreover, SAP Commerce Cloud’s flexible architecture allows you to rapidly implement changes, launch new products, and adapt your marketing strategies without significant downtime or disruption.

8. What competitive advantages does SAP Commerce Cloud offer compared to other digital commerce solutions like Adobe Commerce or Salesforce Commerce Cloud?

SAP Commerce Cloud stands out from Adobe Commerce and Salesforce Commerce Cloud through its deep integration with SAP’s robust suite of enterprise solutions. This tight integration provides a unified and streamlined approach to managing both front-end and back-end operations. It also allows real-time data synchronization across your ERP, CRM, and marketing systems, enabling more accurate insights and efficient processes.

Additionally, SAP Commerce Cloud offers advanced B2B and B2C capabilities, including complex pricing models, multi-site management, and extensive customization options. These options are often more flexible and scalable than what Adobe and Salesforce can offer. So it is not surprising that SAP Commerce Cloud has been recognized as a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Commerce for the ninth time in a row. It is the only vendor to have been consistently recognized as a Leader since 2014.