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A Virtual Trip to Budapest

Meet and exceed your customers' demands with the Next Generation Service Experience.


SAP and NETCONOMY present:

On-demand Webinar

Join us for a virtual trip to the famous Hungarian Parliament building – combined with trends and information on how to enhance your customer services.

What you can look forward to:

A true Budapest experience, from the comfort of your office or home

Insights about enabling your servicing environment

Examples of how to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

Find out how to maximize customer lifetime value with connected service

Maximize Customer Lifetime Value with Service Cloud:

Connect Great Sales Experiences to Business Outcomes

Sales and Service have evolved beyond a mere activity and has become a complex, dynamic process. To succeed in this process, organizations must possess a thorough understanding of their customers’ needs and preferences, and they must engage with them effectively to deliver exceptional digital-first sales experiences.

A customer experience is a moment in time when your brand promise connects with the customer’s intent. Enabling a servicing environment that is effortless, intuitive, information-rich, and engaging is critical for business today.

At this event, you will have a chance to learn how Service Cloud can help your business respond nimbly to changing needs, while delivering exceptional customer experiences that drive meaningful outcomes and increase customer lifetime value.

We´ll even take you on a virtual tour of the beautiful city of Budapest! 🇭🇺


  •  Welcome to our Virtual City Tour 
  • “From Transactional to Transformational: Harnessing Intelligent Sales and Service Trends” with John Heald
  • City Tour: Parliament square – Parliament building, Danube bank
  • “Grow your business with outstanding Service Experience” with Denis Gönc
  • City Tour: Danube promenade from Chain bridge – view of the Danube, Buda Castle, Former Royal Palace
  •  Takeaways and outlook
Watch on-demand webinar!
Watch now!


Heald John

John Heald

Global Vice President, SAP Customer Experience, Sales and Service

Denis Gonc

Denis Gönc

Marketing Consultant, NETCONOMY

Sign up now to gain access to the Budapest Virtual City Tour webinar!

We’re going on a virtual tour of Europe. See here which cities and topics await us. Stay tuned…
